Local & Military History

Whitley County, Indiana


Want to Share Your History?

Much of the “old” Whitley County has disappeared: downtown businesses, landmark buildings, farms and schools.  However, we feel it is important to preserve history for future generations, to let them know what was here before they came.

So if you would like to be a part of our local history, give us a call at 260.244.5541 to setup an appointment or receive additional information on this project.  We can come to you, or you can come to the library, wherever you feel the most comfortable.  We can even do group interviews if you prefer.  The process is really simple and painless; just talk to us the way you would talk to friends or family, passing on “stories”.

*Please note that this project is not just for Columbia City; we would like interviews from all over Whitley County – Churubusco, South Whitley, Collins, Laud, Collamer - all are welcome!*


War Veterans


Let Us Interview You!

The Veterans History Project (VHP) collected and preserved the remembrances of American war veterans and civilian workers who supported them.

In support of this effort, the Peabody Public Library interviewed a number of veterans either at the library itself or at other designated locations.  These collections of first-hand accounts are also made available to all here at the library in the Indiana Room.  Please note that the hard copies in the Indiana Room cannot be checked out and are only accessible during library hours.

If you would like to share your valuable stories please contact us at 260.244.5541 or e-mail us with your request.


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